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INRAE publishes its 2021 Annual Report

In his editorial, Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of INRAE, shines a spotlight on our Institute's dedicated community.

Published on 12 September 2022

illustration INRAE publishes its 2021 Annual Report


“We perform targeted research, and our institute is a global leader in the agricultural, food, and environmental sciences. Consequently, stakes and expectations are high. The 12,000 members of the INRAE community dedicate themselves daily to confronting the world's greatest challenges. Their scientific solutions and advances help promote multiperformance agriculture, produce high-quality food, and sustainably manage resources and ecosystems on a global scale.

To help our staff take on this weighty responsibility while optimising our human and financial resources, I have been working with the institute's management team to rapidly launch INRAE 2030, a roadmap that defines our major scientific and policy priorities. We have drawn up action plans that stretch onwards from 2021. They are focused on improving innovation, open science practices, scientific data, European and international partnerships, the management of human resources, higher education and training, communication, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Indeed, we have created a dedicated department to help us achieve our CSR objectives, which places INRAE in the vanguard among French research institutions. Thanks to the intense reflection and exchanges coordinated by our division heads, we have formulated 14 new division-specific strategic plans in our scientific fields of expertise. The overarching objective is to concretely translate our major scientific priorities, reinforce interdisciplinarity in our work, and schedule our actions in order of priority over the next five years.

I would also like to shine the spotlight on our successful innovations, starting with our nasal vaccine against COVID-19, which is currently in clinical trials. Additionally, we launched six start-ups focused on nutrition, ecotoxicology, soil health, and seed optimisation; established five associated partnership laboratories with technical institutes, SMEs, or start-ups; and obtained accreditation for a fifth Carnot Institute.”



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Launch of INRAE2030: strategic priorities for the next 10 years

PRESS RELEASE - The global challenges society is facing are giving rise to new expectations in research: climate change mitigation and adaptation, food and nutrition security, human health and wellbeing of the planet, agricultural transitions, protection of natural resources, biodiversity restoration, and disaster preparedness and management. In light of these challenges and avenues of transformation being paved by international experts, INRAE’s strategic road map for the next 10 years was jointly drawn up over the span of one year, with the input of many internal players and about a hundred national and international partners. One year after the creation of INRAE, this strategy was presented during an online press conference on Monday, 25 January 2021 by Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of the Institute and members of the Management Board. Consisting of five scientific priorities and three policy priorities, the strategy offers solutions through research in the fields of agriculture, food and the environment.

24 January 2021

Food, Global Health

A 100% French nasal vaccine against COVID-19 yields positive pre-clinical results

PRESS RELEASE - For a year now, the BioMAP research team, from the Infectiology and Public Health (ISP) joint research unit run by INRAE and the Université de Tours, has been involved with support of many collaborators, in the development of a 100% French nasal vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This project is well in line with the commitment to partnership research promoted by the Institut Carnot’s France Futur Élevage programme, of which INRAE and the university are co-directors.
The aim of BioMAP is to develop a candidate vaccine based on viral proteins that can be administered in the nose. Research is now gaining in momentum. Pre-clinical tests demonstrate the efficacy of the candidate vaccine after two nasal immunisations delivered three weeks apart, both in terms of the immune response and early neutralisation of the original virus and its variants, which would greatly decrease the risk of contamination by a vaccinated individual. The team obtained these results together with a consortium formed by the pharmaceutical group Recipharm, the Bio3 Université de Tours – Groupe IMT and the biotech company Vaxinano, with financial support from the Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), the Centre-Val de Loire Regional Council , the Université de Tours and INRAE.
Following these very positive results, development and production of vaccine batches will begin this autumn with the goal to moving into the clinical phase in 2022, and a market launch in 2023.

09 September 2021

2021 INRAE Awards recognise excellent research in agriculture, food and the environment

PRESS RELEASE - On Monday, 29 November 2021, the winners of this year’s INRAE Awards, chosen by an international jury, will be announced at a ceremony that showcases the careers and commitments of women and men who carry out excellent research in the fields of agriculture, food and the environment. Over the course of an evening kicked off by Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and Julien De Normandie, Minister of Agriculture and Food, and presided over by Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of INRAE, five remarkable careers in science and two research teams will be honoured. Plant genetics, microbiology and soil inventory, animal welfare and sustainable aquaculture, food safety and open data… all of these themes share a common denominator: high stakes for society at large.

25 November 2021